пятница, 8 апреля 2011 г.

How to flash samsung vodafone m1?)

It's verrry popular question)
And now - i answer on it. I sorry for my bad and simple english - i'm from Ukraine.

1 step - download flash and flashing tool.
latest flash on that moment - BUJI3.
Flasher - OdinMulti_091023.
Instruction on English in PDF: Link.

for drivers - search it in google..etc. or if you have windows 7 and internet connection - when you connect your mobile - windows download drivers from windows update centre.

if you have questions - write it in comments, i answer on it if i know how..)
Если у вас есть вопросы - пишите их в комментариях - я отвечу на них если смогу.

понедельник, 4 апреля 2011 г.

new codes..reset factory settings

menu=>dialler=> *2767*3855# => tap call.

ALL your settings/files were deleted! but phone would be working faster.. because you delete all small files..etc.
if you unlock your phone before this - unlock not deleted (your custom sim-card is working).